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proposed removal of lila_panic maps from servers


DG | Member
all boils down to how strict we want to be on our servers.
most time i am on with a lila panic map other everyone plays it like zombie mods where humans play zombies making it possible to get into most spots, all be it the smokers do present a little bit of difficulty when camping, ive had them pull me thru walls before. problem is that people see map and assume server is a traditional z mod and dont bother to read rules upon entering and then rage quit when they cant figure out classes and gun imediately.
we only have 2 lila_panic maps on rotation. i think we have plenty of others that can fill in space.
i recorded a few demos of some illegal spots on the one LP map i played today, there are different spots on both maps however ( i can provide those if proof is needed)


DG | Member
i figured if i proposed to remove maps i should at least suggest additions (new to me at least). im not sure of how difficult it is to get new maps but i went map searching today and found a few maps that could be good and wrote a few comments down:

* i know all zr or zm maps might run into same name recognition problem stated above. And all maps can have illegal spots if classes are used improperly (most namely builder).

- open with some obstructions (mostly cars and such)
- only 1 building with few camp spots
- very flat

- like lila panic but no underground
-not sure how spawns lay out
-moderate # of camp spots

- semi open
- very similar to de_nuke

- like zm_titan
-fairly open
- some buildings to camp in ( could be problem)

- partially flat, partially hilly
- high wall around part of map ( might be prone to camping )
-bridge in center of map, can climb up sides easy, not sure how much for zombies

Tom Da Bomb

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right makes sense, normally i would go for hitting some screenshots and reporting them in the bans area or just passing it to me if you prefer, but the ZM and lila maps ppl usually expect to use the cades you can shoot to move around, so we can probably check for those named maps with the "loose" map props like soda machines and couches you can shoot around, if we can find any good open maps or maps with long corridors let me know and ill check them to add, im sure i have a few from my time cruising servers lol, you just gotta be able to move running backward easy


DG | Member
right, i offered some general suggestions that I thought were a reasonable substitution if you can find the maps, (they were on foreign servers) so might be out of reach or spawn points might be set for different zombie mod or something. but they did have a substantially less amount of movable cades, and camp spots.

Tom Da Bomb

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yupp just lookin but havent found them posted for download, or a server running them to join and get it, but ill keep my eyes open


DG | Member
As i stated they were foreign servers so they could be created by server owner, private, or not available. if you cant find them no biggie i can paruse around some more its just the first servers that came up with zm or zr names were like Korean language or something.


DG | Member
i found another map and server that fits our rules exactly had map zr_starshiptroopers_b2 a standard rectangular box with z spawning one one end and ct on the other with two cars around middle. ct spawn was isolated from rest of map so z cant get u when u spawn, downside is only way to get out is to jump from resonably high. server had parachutes to limit fall damage( 50hp +) that might be something nice to impliment if map is added (hold e to activate kinda thing). also another feature we might want to look into if were serious about not camping they had a anti camp thing that would cause u damage if you stayed put for certain length of time.


DG | Member
a few more maps:
zr_compound_zn similar to cs_compound except at night instead of daytime as far as i can tell

zm_forgotten_town_ri basic map one big building few smaller ones, construction zone, probably has decent amount of camping areas but pretty open streets ( wish i would have seen actually players play this map instead of bots )

zr_little_city_roy_v2 kinda dark difficult to see without nightvision. basic city some cars and stuff not much of any camp stuff that i could see.

Tom Da Bomb

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gotcha i should be able to find some servers running it at some point and connect to it to get them

o yes i want to say we did try the camp manager plugins that dmg ppl if they sit, but we ran into some issue when ppl were using builder or engineer classes, or just holding a position with the team and get a notice and have to move a little

so instead of possibly burden players that way we try to just handle those with bans, if anyone refuses to play and wants to sit in 1 spot while everyone else currently there is playing so it ruins gameplay, but anyone can spectate and take some screenshots so camping isnt too hard to deal with, which anyone can always make a ban request post or just pass them to me if they would rather, and i can blank out the other info in the Console from the Status command other than the violators ID if needed

Tom Da Bomb

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i found the easiest way for me to take screenshots for ban stuff in games is actually not with the normal steam screenshot function, i usually use the classic hold Windows key and press the Prt Sc button for print screen, which takes and makes a .png picture of your screen in a folder called Screenshots in your normal Pictures area, then you can edit the pic if necessary to remove your name if you wanted or whatever, then pass them to me all in 1 folder


DG | Member
so do u just need a copy of the map, i could root around in my steam files and find map or is that version not the same thing?

Tom Da Bomb

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oh yeah if you have some map files in your own game as well that works, just pull out the .bsp and .nav for the map and its all we need, then you can always use like filedropper.com or something similar for file downloads like that, or discord probably too

just have to make sure the map is less than 64MB or around there otherwise we start losing space fast, but it all depends on the map

but once i get it i can run it in my game and i usually open up the single player offline with bots mode and play the map with bots only using knifes, then run around making sure theres no big glitch spots the bots bug out or somethin, and if it looks good we can use it


DG | Member
sounds great ill go digging then see if i can scounge up the right files, im a little fuzzy on filedropper.com or how you transfer files via discord but ill figure something out


DG | Member
ok i think i was able to get all nav and bsp files for all them, except zm_nuketown_final1 where i only found a bsp file. i have them all in a folder waiting for figuring out transfer method


DG | Member
i don't mean to prod tom, i just wanted to get an update if you have had any spare time to check the new maps i sent you lately.

Tom Da Bomb

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o yupp no prob tension, i did get in and run them but before i could add the 1 that was good my internal harddrive died, but i got another one and just got windows up and once im back in ill shoot ya a msg and get the map thats good

there was 5 or 6 i wanna say all together, and 3 were good maps for zriot like we do, but 2 were bad map versions with 1 being a broken beta version still, but if i can find a server running the final fixed version of them ill grab them, it was gaspump_v3 or something and another one that were good maps but not working right
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DG | Member
nice, just thought it would be hice to get some new scenery on server, let me know if you need me to server surf to find the maps again, or fixed versions. could they have been damaged in compressing them?

Tom Da Bomb

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yeah definitely, when you go to play you can always check the server list for certain maps and see if you can connect to the server to download its map

o no the compression should be fine, the gasdump_b3 was a beta version so im guessing theres a 4 or something, and the other had errors loading some map content, the zombie_town_ti or something was good tho, so if the spawn isnt horrible trying to get away from zeds then that ones good
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DG | Member
looked around a bit today. found few more candidates:

zm_drainage: - kinda open, decent amount of camp spots (but much less than a lilla panic style map)
- ditch in center of map with toxic sludge ( might be hazardous to z or homans)
zr_defend: - z and humans spawn on opposite side of map ( big rectangular box with castly like building on human side)
-only 1 or 2 camp areas
ze_doom_v1_1: nice at first glance but needs more exploring
-simple flush hallways
-very few camp spots
- 1 exploitable spot found after 3 min
- map might have issues ( found auto kill area trying to explore)
- very simple box like corridor (spawns on opposite ends of map)
- cars scattered throughout only 1 campable