been checking into quite a few things with my free time and got around to Sophia, which is the latest model of AI unit around and has actually attained citizenship in 2 countries and was produced by Hanson Robotics
of course this video is slightly bias with a religious overview at times but it has a few clips from other presentations with AI, so it has a lot of good clips and info but make sure to pause the video and think about it when your not sure or just disagree with the way its stated in the clips
and this one was more specific to weapons and gives the necessary info to then go on and look into the actual products, which this one actually bugs me myself but heres some info and stuff to spark interest and attention to the revolution of technology and ability happening in our world
these techs also have a lot to do with the Quantum Computing post i made a while ago, and hopefully not but might have to do with the mass collection of personal data the US gov't likes to do, but thats just speculation of course
of course this video is slightly bias with a religious overview at times but it has a few clips from other presentations with AI, so it has a lot of good clips and info but make sure to pause the video and think about it when your not sure or just disagree with the way its stated in the clips
and this one was more specific to weapons and gives the necessary info to then go on and look into the actual products, which this one actually bugs me myself but heres some info and stuff to spark interest and attention to the revolution of technology and ability happening in our world
these techs also have a lot to do with the Quantum Computing post i made a while ago, and hopefully not but might have to do with the mass collection of personal data the US gov't likes to do, but thats just speculation of course