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Spectating on the server.

1* Secret

DG | Member
Can something be done about people getting on the servers and just spectating for hours/days on end? They're not playing. They're not even actually spectating. They just put their character on the spectator box and walk away. This ties up the server for days and no one can change maps.

Tom Da Bomb

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o gotcha, yeah im sure we can take care of it, we left it off for a while when things were slow cuz it actually helped other new players connect to the server, and since it was slow it wasnt much a problem

but if it is we can set the spectate limit or just keep an eye out for ppl doing it intentionally, i checked when i saw your msg sunday morning and found a spec'er

Tom Da Bomb

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there we go, i found a nice easy and simple AFK manager plugin for CSS, so ill see how it works here in the morning sometime when most players are not playing

and ill set the timer for 15 or 20 min so that way you can take a piss or grab a drink and its fine, but too long and you will have to reconnect to the server, or worst case wait 20 min till someone AFK gets kicked

if anyone is purposely trying to sit AFK and stop ppl from changing maps then let us know, and i can make a ban report or ill see them doing it sometime


DG | Member
I've also noticed when people are on playing mode (on ct), but still afk they don't get kicked out. they just stay. Similar to spectate except they get the 5 credits.

Tom Da Bomb

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oh hmm its not moving players from the player slot to spectate after 5 min? thats alright if not i can try another AFK plugin but i didnt see any issues about that in this one on its posting


DG | Member
oh hmm its not moving players from the player slot to spectate after 5 min? thats alright if not i can try another AFK plugin but i didnt see any issues about that in this one on its posting
Yeah, I was playing on the map and he was afk for awhile. I couldn’t change the map until someone else joined.

Tom Da Bomb

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gotcha ill check another one cuz im guessing its bugged, and i cant remember what one we used before lol

Tom Da Bomb

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k there we go, the AFK manager for CSS should be good to go, thanks comrades

but let us know if something doesnt seem to work right in certain situations, it should move players after 2 min and kick after another 2


DG | Member
confirmed its working this morning. saw another player go afk and it kick him like 3 different times. and did to me later when i went afk to check something on forum.